Thursday, December 31, 2009

I just want to thank you, Susan for helping me get my blog working!! You're a wonderful friend!

Wacky Give away !!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

LOUD and WACKY TEAM needs promo items & samples for Sample Bags

We have LOTS of contests and giveaways open to anybody WORLDWIDE. We are making up Etsy sample bags to give as prizes. This is a great way to promote your shop.

We need items to make up these packs. Examples of items you may want to donate are: business cards, coupons, samples (soap, lotion, candles, etc.), jewelry samples, buttons, magnets, scrubbies, etc.

If you are interested, please convo me:


Remember, we are loud and wacky, but we are nice and drama-free!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I   just    had a   custom   cat made  by  the  Laughingfridge  on etsy!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have a new drink !!!
Hibiscus Tea and the Nile Valley - A Brief History
Hibiscus tea clearly was the beverage favored by the Pharaohs of the ancient Nile Valley when they wanted to refresh themselves in the desert heat. In fact, Hibiscus Tea, throughout history until the present, has been a preferred beverage in many cultures including China, Mexico, the Caribbean, and even Europe.

All over the world people drink hibiscus tea for health (hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure), for cooling (hibiscus tea is a refrigerant and helps cool the body), for a relaxing refreshment (hibiscus tea contains no caffeine), for ceremonies (every wedding and celebration in Sudan and Egypt is "toasted" with glasses of hibiscus tea), and for enjoyment (hibiscus tea is a beautiful rich crimson color and is tart and delicious). You too can enjoy this delicious beverage! It's not just for Pharaohs anymore -- try some Nile Valley Herbs hibiscus tea or hibiscus mint tea, hot or cold.
Join the ranks of the ages.

Try our hibiscus tea today!
Part of the proceeds from YOUR purchase of our Nile Valley hibiscus tea, hibiscus mint tea, or hibiscus flowers will go directly for much needed humanitarian projects in my home villagein Nubia. It will be deeply appreciated by the villagers there.
Click here to try our hibiscus tea today!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Why You should care about Energy, Personally.
First there are the environmental effects.
Second there is the moral imperative to do what is right for humanity.
But, beyond all that, how does it strike home to You, Now ?
Everything that Exists, Depends Totally on Energy.
That is the real point.

People run on energy, from their food. They die without it.
Birds, Animals, Fish, and all other living things run on energy.
Farms run on energy. Tractors use fuel. Fertilizer needs energy to make it.
Transportation systems run on energy.
Businesses run on energy.
Homes run on energy.
Everything runs on energy !
So What Happens if there isn’t enough ?
It is simple. First we give things up. We go without. Our quality of life declines.
You don’t buy things, because you spent your money on gasoline, heating oil, and electricity. No new jeans. No trip to Disneyworld. Hamburger instead of steak.
Those are the things that happen first. Then it gets worse.
You can’t drive your car. You have to move into a smaller house near the city and take mass transit. You have to be colder in the winter. You have to be hot in the summer. You have to turn the lights off. The poorer people suffer much more. They have inadequate food. No heat. They freeze to death or suffer heat stroke. Huge numbers of jobs are lost. Businesses fail by the hundreds.
Then it gets catastrophic.
We go to war with whomever, to take their energy. Hundreds of thousands die in a futile effort. Millions die of starvation and disease. The veneer of civilization is stripped away and it is dog eat dog.
Why can’t we just do the simple things; use Bio-diesel, Conserve, Switch to Compact Fluorescent Lights, Hydrogen, and all that ?
Its simple again. There is not enough farmland to grow enough crops for ethanol and Bio-Diesel sufficient in quantity to make up for all the fossil fuels used just in transportation, not to mention all the other uses. We need food first, and most of the farmland has to be used for that.
We can conserve, but each day more people are born. This increases the need. The need increases faster than conservation can save. And besides, once the fossil fuel is gone, its gone. It does not matter how many miles per gallon the car gets if there is no gasoline.
Hydrogen is not an energy source. On the contrary, to free up hydrogen atoms into the form needed for fuel, we must use energy first. No energy available to make hydrogen ? Then there is no hydrogen fuel.
So are We Doomed ?
There is more than enough renewable energy potentially available to meet our total needs thousands of times over. And it won’t run out. Ever.
So we do the things outlined in our white paper, and life improves immeasurably. Millions of new jobs are created. Wealth increases dramatically. The climate is saved. People prosper. Security is enhanced. War is averted. No one has to die fighting for oil.
So read the white paper. Understand the problem. See the solution. Insist that your government gets the message and just does it. It really is that simple.
See our site and white paper at

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My brother

Today I heard from my brothers social worker.
He was in fact evicted, from his apartment and is now in an acute mental health Hospital.
It seems that he set his apartment on fire trying to rid it of demons.
It also seems that he was getting prescription drugs in the mail from several mail order drug companies . Which I find totally unreal.
His social worker told me that he was given his drugs by the country aid and they brought his drugs to him once a week. So how did he get extra drugs??

It appears that he was addicted to pain opiate medication he got in the mail.

How the inthe world can that happen ??

IT seems to me it is way to easy to get drugs in the mail . I'M very mad ..

So I know he is mentally ill. He is paranoid shicophanic
He is now going to have to go live in a group home or assisted living which is great ! I'm so happy he will get the help he needs.
I feel bad that mental ill have fallen thru the cracks of the health care system in the state of Virginia where he lives.
The Medical rules are making it impossible for family members to help the mentally ill aka privacy rules .
I mean, I had been tryng since July of 2008 to speak to his workers to tell them he is way outta whack and needs closer supervision .
But No they can not talk or even listen to me unless , my brother who is psychotic signs a paper saying I'm can talk to them ...
So he was calling 911 every day to get a ride to the hospital... do you not think that should have set off alarms somewhere ??
He was also diabetic,has most of his toes and feet amputated because of bad circlation. He will not quit smoking . They also want to put him rehab for the pain meds if he wants to go ... Ok now that is something else ... she told me that he has teh potion to go to rehab for 30 days.... or k just be released to a group home>>> WTF I don't get it.. why can they detox him in the hospital... whew ok I'm done.I just needed to vent and get this out of my system.
I hope you guys have a nice day !

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am going to blog today. I supposed it hard to blog.

I really dont have a lot to say. I am really bad at blogging. There I blogged !!