Calamus Acorus calamus Planet: Moon Element: Water Description: HerbPart Used: Root, leaves Uses: Luck, healing, money, protection. Pieces of root placed in each corner of the kitchen prevents hunger and poverty. Used as a strewing herb in temples.
Calendula, See Marigold
CamphorCinnamomum camphora Planet: Moon Element: Water Description: Tree Part Used: Gum extracted from wood Uses: Chastity, health, divination. Used to invoke Diana, or any Maiden Goddess, or the Moon or Moon Goddesses. Cleanses and purifies the temple of negative energy. Burned as an incense to aid in divination.
Caraway Carum carvi Planet: Mercury Element: Air Description: HerbPart Used: Seeds, oil Uses: Protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powers. Putting the seeds inside an item renders it theft proof as does anointing with the oil. Used to consecrate magical tools. Placed in sachets to discourage theft or grown in the garden. May be thrown at weddings to ensure the couple remain together and faithful.
CardamonElettario cardamomum Planet: Venus Element: Water Description: HerbPart Used: Seeds and seed pods Uses: Lust, love. May be used in baking pastries for amatory purposes, or for flavoring hot beverages such as chocolate or coffee.
Catnip Nepeta cataria Planet:Venus Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plantUses: Protection while sleeping. Tea drunk before divination or clairvoyant work. Sacred to Bast and should be used in any ritual involving cats or cat deities. Love, beauty, happiness. Used with rose petals in love sachets. Used in fertility charms but do not take internally if pregnant.
Cedar Cedrus sp., Thuja plicata Planet: Sun Element: Fire Description: Tree Part Used: Needles and twigs Uses: Very purifying as an incense, oil or strewing herb. Healing, purification, money, protection. Forces hostile or negative forces to depart. Cedar smoke purifies the home. Use it in smudge sticks, incense and sweat lodges. The scent is said to enhance psychic powers. Used in work to strengthen magical powers. Particularly useful in consecrating the wand. Carrying the twigs is said to bring money. Used to invoke Wotan.
Celery Apium graveolens Planet: Mercury Element: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Leaves, seeds and stems Uses: Mental powers, lust, psychic ability. Improves concentration. Drink a tea of the seeds prior to divination.
Chamomile Anthemis nobilis or Matricaria chamomilla Planet: Sun Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Flowers, leaves Uses: Money, sleep, love, purification. In pillows intended to bring sleep or divinitory dreams. Healing, aids depression and stress. Adding it to a sachet or spell increases the chances of it's success. Used to invoke Karnayna. When sprinkled around the house it removes hexes, curses and spells. It can be burned or added to prosperity bags to increase money.
Cherry Prunus aviumPlanet: Venus Element: Water Description: Tree Part Used: Fruit, bark, wood Uses: Love. May be served to ones beloved. Creativity, Healing. Cherry juice is used as a substitute for blood in old recipes. The wood makes a good wand. Cherry was one of the trees of the Druids and chips of the wood were added to the sacred fire.
Chickweed Stellaria mediaPlanet: Moon Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Fidelity and love. Carry to attract a new love or to maintain an existing one.
Chicory Cichorium intybusPlanet: Sun Element: Air Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Removing obstacles, favors, frugality, silence and secrecy. Chicory is one of the herbs called for in spells for invisibility which in fact does not render you invisible, simply makes you less noticable. It was carried for frugality and to remove obstacles. Rubbing it on your body will bring favors from highly placed persons.
Chili Pepper Capsicum sp.Planet: Mars Element: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Fruits Uses: Hex breaking, love. May be used in food served to the beloved as an aphrodesiac. The powder may be sprinkled around your home to break a spell cast against you.
Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicumPlanet: Sun Element: Fire Description: Tree Part Used: Bark Uses: Burned as an incense or carried for spirituality, success, healing, power, lust, protection, love. Aids in focusing the mind and brings understanding. Clears away obstacles. May be used as a seasoning in pastries or food for a love feast to encourage amore. Increases concentration. Enhances your psychic ability.
Cinquefoil Potentilla canadensis or Potentilla reptansPlanet: Jupiter Element: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Money, protection, prophetic dreams of your perfect partner when used as an incense, sleep. Increases the strength of any magical work. Good herb for those who fish either as a sport or for a living. Refered to as Five Fingered Grass in Hoodoo. Make a wash to wipe down the floors and counters of a place of business to bring business. Carrying the root will improve your abilities at communication and persuasion as well as warding off hostile magic. May be used in the bath for uncrossing or removing spells cast against you.
Clove Caryophyllus aromaticusPlanet: Jupiter Element: Fire Description: Tree Part Used: Buds Uses: Protection, exorcism, love, money as an incense or wash. Used in incense to increase psychic abilities. Aids those who seek astral sight. May be used in amatory foods like Cinnamon and Cardamom. The incense purifies an area and raises the spiritual vibrations. Also burned to stop gossip.
Clover Trifolium sp.Planet: Mercury Element: Air Description: Herb Part Used: Leaves and flowers Uses: Protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success, luck. Used in the consecration of magical tools which are made of copper. May be carried in a sachet, made into a wash, or burned as an ingredient in incense.
Coltsfoot Tussilago farfaraPlanet: Venus Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Love sachets, smoke the leaves to bring on visions, may be combined with damiana for this purpose. May also be used in incense.
Columbine Aquilegia sp.Planet: Venue Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Carry for courage. The seeds are used for a love spell in which they are crushed and rubbed on the hands.
ComfreySymphytum officinalePlanet: Saturn Element: Water Description: Herb Part Used: Whole plant Uses: Money, safety during travel, and any Saturnian purpose. Workings of stability, endurance and things related to real estate or property in some way.
Copal Bursera odorataPlanet: Sun Element: Fire Description: Tree Part Used: Resin Uses: Used in love, purification incense. Mexican magic.
Coriander Coriandrum sativumPlanet: Mars Element: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Seeds Uses: Love, health, healing, protection, aids in maintaining independence. Protects when grown in the garden or hung in the home. Brings peace and security.
CubebPiper cubebaPlanet: MarsElement: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Berries Uses: Love and sex as an incense, in sachets.
CuminCuminum cyminumPlanet: Mars Element: Fire Description: Herb Part Used: Seeds Uses: Protection, fidelity, exorcism, as an incense. Used in amulets for protection. Used in cooking to improve sex drive.
Cypress Cupressus sempervirensPlanet: Saturn Element: Earth Description: Tree Part Used: Needles, twigs Uses: Longevity, healing, comfort, protection. Has associations with death, eternity and immortality. Used in rituals to communicate with the dead, or honor them.
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